Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello all! My name is, well, actually, I dont have a name. Ill be creating an rpg group. Its a dogs world is for all the mutts and hybrids out there. No pure breeds alowed.

Heres a little bit about my nameless character:
Im a shapeshifter. Im a husky with a bit of wolf mixed in when in dog form, the most loyal dog you'll ever meet. Ive been wandering the street for quite a while now. Im basicaly still a pup, but ive got a few street smarts. I often sleep on porches and under trees. When I get food, I eat. I love to play and run. I want a name but I cant think of any right now. My picture will be in the side bar.

If you'd like to join, email me at: freedomseeker94@aol.com with your discription, name, background, and picture [if you can find one that looks like you]